厂商 :临清市九星轴承科技有限公司
山东 聊城市- 主营产品:
- 电绝缘轴承
- 混合陶瓷轴承
- 深沟球轴承
联系电话 :15263555000
临清市九星轴承科技有限公司 400-009-0241 是集轴承研发、工业生产、营销贸易于一体的科工贸型厂家,客户认可度最高的品牌。是山东省轴承制造优秀企业之一。本厂家技术力量雄厚,生产工艺与检测手段完善,具有完善的先进轴承生产加工设备,建立了行之有效的质量保证体系,拥有一批高级工程技术人员,并聘请国内知名专家进行技术研讨指导。九星主营业务有:深沟球轴承,电绝缘轴承,混合陶瓷轴承。其中电绝缘轴承,深沟球胶木保持器轴承是九星自主研发生产的,我们是国内首家专业研发及生产电绝缘轴承的厂家,已获得ISO9001质量体系认证,并且可以根据客户需求定制50mm-500mm的轴承。

Linqing Nine Star Bearing Science & Technology Co., Ltd provides electrically Insulated
bearings with oxide ceramic insulating layers on the bearing ring. Applied with plasma
technology, the insulation has a guaranteed breakdown resistance of at least 1000V AC
or DC. Two variants are available:
VL0241: Insulation on the outer ring
VL2071: Insulation on the inner ring
Electrically Insulated Bearings Advantages
1. Higher operational reliability through optimum protection against electrical corrosion
2. More economic than, for example, insulation on housings or shafts
3. Interchangeable: Same key dimensions and technical properties as conventional bearings
4. Coating resistant to damage if correctly handled
Electrically Insulated Bearings Typical Applications
A. Traction motors of railway vehicles
B. Electric motors (AC/DC)
C. Generators (e.g. in wind turbine generators)+

Linqing Nine Star Bearing Science & Technology Co., Ltd provides electrically Insulated
bearings with oxide ceramic insulating layers on the bearing ring. Applied with plasma
technology, the insulation has a guaranteed breakdown resistance of at least 1000V AC
or DC. Two variants are available:
VL0241: Insulation on the outer ring
VL2071: Insulation on the inner ring
Electrically Insulated Bearings Advantages
1. Higher operational reliability through optimum protection against electrical corrosion
2. More economic than, for example, insulation on housings or shafts
3. Interchangeable: Same key dimensions and technical properties as conventional bearings
4. Coating resistant to damage if correctly handled
Electrically Insulated Bearings Typical Applications
A. Traction motors of railway vehicles
B. Electric motors (AC/DC)
C. Generators (e.g. in wind turbine generators)+