
厂商 :青岛新洋世纪国际贸易有限公司

山东 青岛
  • 主营产品:
  • 食品进口代理
  • 机械产品进口
  • 冷冻水产品进
联系电话 :18562853246

青岛新洋世纪国际物流有限公司是一家主要致力于进口代理,含报关、报检、换单、验货、压箱等服务于一体的高新科技企业。公司拥有一支常年从事于货物进口清关,物流海运的高素质专业技术队伍,在为客人提供多种物流解决方案的同时,还可以为国内客户开拓海外市场寻找货源、提供国外海陆运输等服务,可为您高效解决各种进口清关过程中遇到的难题,公司在国内外诸多区域都有合作伙伴,对于各类货物进口和全套清关服务等方面有着丰富的经验, 服务网络和客户遍布全国。强大、专业的服务队伍和先进、完善的服务理念,使得我们公司在食品等进口代理领域有着较高的知名度和信誉值。同时我们将一如既往地禀承“信誉第一、客户至上”的原则,始终把客户的利益放在第一位,竭诚为我们的每一个客户提供最好产品和最优质的服务。新的世纪, 新的挑战与机遇。我们本着打造青岛进口清关服务行业标杆的目标,坚持稳健经营长远发展。青岛新洋世纪欢迎各界朋友的莅临和垂询!


Qingdao Xinyang Century International Logistics Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprises which mainly engaged in food customs agency and logistics transportation. Over several years development, our company established a long-term friendly cooperative relations with many enterprises at home and abroad. For clients, while a variety of logistics solutions, can also explore overseas markets for domestic customers and provide foreign land and sea transportation services. Our company has a professional and efficient technical teamthey all had wealth of experience in imported and logistics field and can  lift the import of all worries in time. Provide professional, personalized, all-weather, all-round service for clients. We based on the spirit of " reputation first, customer first", always put the customer's interests first and adhere steady and long-term operation development.

New century, new challenges and opportunities.

Qingdao Xinyang Century International Logistics Co., Ltd welcome your inquiry.

