美国阿克泰克AlcoTec ER1100铝焊丝

厂商 :天津博世达焊接材料有限公司

天津 天津
  • 主营产品:
联系电话 :18902002701
品牌 美国阿克泰克AlcoTec 型号 1100 Alloy ER1100 产地 美国
类型 多款供选 材质 助焊剂含量 20(%)
加工定制 焊丝直径 4/4.8/5.0/6.4(mm) 熔点 750(℃)
长度 1000 重量 15000(g) 用途 机械设备焊接
工作温度 40-70 焊接电流 220(A) 是否含助焊剂

1100 Alloy

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Alloy Characteristics

Alloy 1100 is highly resistant to chemical attack and weathering. It is a relatively soft alloy that is very formable and is used extensively in thin gauge and foil products.  It has good welding characteristics and it is also used as a filler alloy for welding purposes.

A desirable characteristic of the alloy is the bright finishes obtained by anodizing.


Non-Heat treatable
ISO designation Al99.0Cu
Principle alloying elements: Copper
Applicable specifications: ANSI/AWS A5.10 (ER & R), ASTM B316, QQ-A-430, AMS 4102

Typical Applications

  • Welding Filler Wire
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Food Handling Equipment
  • Rivets
  • Tie Wire
  • Metallizing

美国阿克泰克AlcoTec ER1100铝焊丝

品牌 美国阿克泰克AlcoTec