
厂商 :上海久滨仪器有限公司

上海市 上海市
  • 主营产品:
  • 高低温试验箱
  • 试验机专业夹具
  • 老化试验箱
联系电话 :13501830249
详细说明: 产品功能及用途 该仪器适用于以二坐标测量为目的的一切应用领域,在机械,电子、 仪表、塑料等行业被广泛使用。 产品特点 仪器采用CCD摄像仪、变焦物镜与十字线发生器作为测量瞄准系统;由二坐标工作台、光栅尺与JB-3000电箱组成数字测量及数据处理系统;仪器具有多种数据处理、显示、输入、输出功能,特别是工作摆正功能非常实用;仪器专门测量软件M2D可对测总图形进行处理及输出。 UMS image measuring instrument Usage It is mainly in 2D measurement,sometimes in 3D as well,it is widely used in diffcrent kinds of precision finishing industries,such as mechanism, electronic part,plastic and so on. Specialities Video measuring system is a photoelectric measuring system of high precision and efficiency,It is coed of a series of components,such as CCD colour camera of high resolutin ,continuous zoom lens,colour  monitor,video crosshairs gemerator,precision linear scale,multi-functional digital readout(DRO),2Dmeasuring software and high precision worktable, It is pupplied with RS-232 interface,the user can manage and output the graph by connecting with PC and running the M2D program.