
厂商 :深圳慈贺(香港)发展有限公司

广东 深圳
  • 主营产品:
  • 颈椎牵引器
  • 颈椎治疗仪
  • 膝关节舒展器
联系电话 :13602623205
供应出口美国保健器械 保健品 出口 美国保健器械
产品类别 保健护颈 品牌 奥达力
材质 ABS+PP 是否自发热
货号 N001 规格 40cm(長) x 25cm(寬) x 10cm(高)
箱装数量 12 产地 香港
加印LOGO 不可以 是否提供加工定制
奥达力颈椎牵引器系列厂家直销 经销商拿货五折起
奧達力頸椎舒展器是運動、保健、增高於一體的新產品,每天只需10分鍾就可以緩解頸、肩、背的各種不適。 ----------OTARI Neck Stretcher is a new product that exercises, heals, revitalizes and increases your height. Neck, shoulder and back discomfort can be released with a daily treatment of 10 minutes.
According to statistics, 80% of the people who perform computer-intensive work, head-bending work, driving or physical labor, more or less have some form of cervical spondylopathies. If the neck is under high or extreme pressure for an extended time, it is prone to develop cervical spondylopathies, such as the straightened physio-curve, slipped disc, narrowed disc space and bone spurs, etc. The symptoms are headache, dizziness, tinnitus, finger stiffness, sore and stiff neck and shoulder, etc. The OTARI Neck Stretcher is designed based on the theories of kinetics. It is a safe, practical and easy to use family physical exercising device and has a significant effect on improving various kinds of neck and shoulder discomforts. The weight of the human body is used in the mechanism of the Stretcher to create a soft traction on the neck when it is at its normal physio-curve to maintain the healthy condition of the neck. The space between the discs is slowly stretched in order to heal spondylopathies and relieve neck and shoulder discomfort. At the same time, the massage points on the Stretcher can stimulate respective points on the body in order to achieve healing and revitalizing effects. It is a health device for any modern household.











i. Helps to achieve the normal cervical structure by stretching the discs to keep them healthy.
ii. Helps to ease the calcification of ligament and capsula with narrow cervical arthrosis.
iii. Helps to improve blood circulation.
iv. Helps to relieve pain caused by pressed nerve, release tension, prevent humpback, etc.
v. It can also help to enhance height in teenagers during their growing stage. 

 Applicable Conditions and Preventions:
Obstructed neck movement, sore neck and shoulder, straightened physio-curve and humpback.

产品类别 保健护腰 品牌 奥达力
材质 ABS+PP+生物磁 是否自发热
货号 B001 规格 40cm(長) x 25cm(寬) x 2cm(高)
箱装数量 12 产地 香港
加印LOGO 不可以 是否提供加工定制
保健器械产品 电视购物保健产品 老年保健产品(奥达力)
According to statistics, 70% of the people who walk, stand, sit in the wrong position for a long time, and physical labors and drivers, more or less have some forms of lumbar spondylopathies. If the back is under high or extreme pressure for an extended time, it is prone to develop lumbar spondylopathies, such as the straightened physio-curve, slipped disc, narrowed disc space and muscle strain, etc. The symptoms are sore back, back pain, sciatica, etc. The OTARI Back Stretcher is designed based on the theories of kinetics. It is a safe, practical and easy to use family physical exercising device and has significant effect on improving various kinds of back and leg discomfort. The weight of the human body is used in the mechanism of the Stretcher to create a soft traction on the back when it is at its normal physio-curve to maintain the healthy condition of the back. The space between the discs is slowly stretched in order to heal spondylopathies and relieve sore back and back pain. At the same time, the massage points on the Stretcher can stimulate respective points on the body in order to achieve healing and revitalizing effects. It is a health device for any modern household.

i. Helps to achieve the normal lumbar structure by stretching the discs to keep them healthy.
ii. Helps to ease the calcification of ligament and capsula with narrow lumbar arthrosis;
iii. Helps to relieve pain caused by pressed nerve; and
iv. Helps to release tension and prevent beer stomach (fat stomach). It can also help to enhance height in teenagers during their growing stage.

Applicable Conditions and Preventions:
Obstructed back movement, sore and stiff leg and back, and straightened physio-curve.

产品展示:     奥达力腰椎牵引器

    : 86 0755 83664350 
移动电话: 13530241177
    : 86 0755 23908689 
    中国 广东 深圳市福田区 (中国区)营销中心:深圳深南中路2010号东风大厦1501 工厂地址:(香港)九龙官塘兴业街16–18号美兴工业大厦B9 
    : 5180018 
公司主页: http://www.otarihk.com 
QQ: 1297688685



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