厂商 :济南亿安交通设施
山东 济南- 主营产品:
- 隔离墩
- 防撞桶
- 警示柱
联系电话 :15244180793
地址:济南市历城区华福国际7-1-303 室
规格: 1500mm×800mm
我们向全国客户,包括包头市 、临河市赤峰、乌兰浩特、乌兰察布、乌海、呼伦贝尔、通辽、鄂尔多斯、甘肃省、兰州市、嘉峪关市、金昌市、白银市、天水市、武威市、张掖市、酒泉市、平凉市、庆阳市、定西市、陇南市、临夏回族自治州、甘南藏族自治州,乌鲁木齐市 克拉玛依市 吐鲁番地区 哈密地区 昌吉回族自治州 博尔塔拉蒙古自治州 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州 阿克苏地区 克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治 喀什 伊犁哈萨克自治州 阿勒泰地区 宁夏 ,银川市 石嘴山市 吴忠市 固原市 中卫市 哈尔滨市 齐齐哈尔市 ▪ 牡丹江市 ▪ 佳木斯市 ▪ 大庆市 ▪ 鸡西市 双鸭山市 伊春市 ▪ 七台河市 ▪ 鹤岗市 ▪ 黑河市 ▪ 绥化市 大兴安岭地区长春市 ▪ 吉林市 ▪ 四平市 ▪ 辽源市 ▪ 通化市 ▪ 白山市 松原市 ▪ 白城市 延边朝鲜族自治州 沈阳市 ▪ 大连市 鞍山市 ▪ 抚顺市 ▪ 本溪市 ▪ 丹东市 ▪ 锦州市 ▪ 营口市 ▪ 阜新市 ▪ 辽阳市 ▪ 盘锦市 ▪ 铁岭市 ▪ 朝阳市 ▪ 葫芦岛市 山东省 济南市 ▪ 青岛市 ▪ 淄博市 ▪ 枣庄市 ▪ 东营市 ▪ 烟台市 ▪ 潍坊市 ▪ 济宁市 ▪ 泰安市 ▪ 威海市 ▪ 日照市 ▪ 滨州市 ▪ 德州市 ▪ 聊城市 ▪ 临沂市 ▪ 菏泽市 ▪ 莱芜市
Product brief introduction:
Name: rotational fence water horse
Model: SM-005
Description: Specifications: the width 150mm
Under the wide 430mm
High 1200mm
Long 1500mm
The quantity of water: 400KG
Tensile strength: 16.44MPa
Elongation at break: 264%
The impact strength of 24kj / m2:
[ description ]
The water horse is a one-time molding, heat resistance, cold resistance, impact resistance, not easy to aging. After being filled with water is more elastic cushioning, emptying the water after the flexible mobile. Yellow / red / white three colors to choose.
[ Characteristics ]
In 1, the water horse hollow irrigation, with elastic cushioning, can effectively absorb the powerful impact force, reduce traffic accidents; combined use, whole bear stronger, more stable
In 2, bright color, size, indicating the route clear
In 3, the installation of mobile quick and easy, no machinery, cost saving, no damage on the road
In 4, with the road camber adjustment, flexible and convenient
5, can device warning yellow flashing lights or other additional facilities, such as billboards, signs or fences, play different role and effect
6, suitable for in any way, fork, toll stations and other places
[ material ]
Materials imported high strength environmental protection of linear polyethylene with imported pigments and additives made of unique formula, not easy to fade, beautiful and durable, deeply for me to one of the characteristics of products, fine workmanship, sturdy and durable.
[ applicable scope ]
The central road isolation, highway toll station square guide fence, elevated road ramp extending isolation column, station square, organs and units of fence gate central segregation column, the temporary isolation fence
规格: 1500mm×800mm
我们向全国客户,包括包头市 、临河市赤峰、乌兰浩特、乌兰察布、乌海、呼伦贝尔、通辽、鄂尔多斯、甘肃省、兰州市、嘉峪关市、金昌市、白银市、天水市、武威市、张掖市、酒泉市、平凉市、庆阳市、定西市、陇南市、临夏回族自治州、甘南藏族自治州,乌鲁木齐市 克拉玛依市 吐鲁番地区 哈密地区 昌吉回族自治州 博尔塔拉蒙古自治州 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州 阿克苏地区 克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治 喀什 伊犁哈萨克自治州 阿勒泰地区 宁夏 ,银川市 石嘴山市 吴忠市 固原市 中卫市 哈尔滨市 齐齐哈尔市 ▪ 牡丹江市 ▪ 佳木斯市 ▪ 大庆市 ▪ 鸡西市 双鸭山市 伊春市 ▪ 七台河市 ▪ 鹤岗市 ▪ 黑河市 ▪ 绥化市 大兴安岭地区长春市 ▪ 吉林市 ▪ 四平市 ▪ 辽源市 ▪ 通化市 ▪ 白山市 松原市 ▪ 白城市 延边朝鲜族自治州 沈阳市 ▪ 大连市 鞍山市 ▪ 抚顺市 ▪ 本溪市 ▪ 丹东市 ▪ 锦州市 ▪ 营口市 ▪ 阜新市 ▪ 辽阳市 ▪ 盘锦市 ▪ 铁岭市 ▪ 朝阳市 ▪ 葫芦岛市 山东省 济南市 ▪ 青岛市 ▪ 淄博市 ▪ 枣庄市 ▪ 东营市 ▪ 烟台市 ▪ 潍坊市 ▪ 济宁市 ▪ 泰安市 ▪ 威海市 ▪ 日照市 ▪ 滨州市 ▪ 德州市 ▪ 聊城市 ▪ 临沂市 ▪ 菏泽市 ▪ 莱芜市
Product brief introduction:
Name: rotational fence water horse
Model: SM-005
Description: Specifications: the width 150mm
Under the wide 430mm
High 1200mm
Long 1500mm
The quantity of water: 400KG
Tensile strength: 16.44MPa
Elongation at break: 264%
The impact strength of 24kj / m2:
[ description ]
The water horse is a one-time molding, heat resistance, cold resistance, impact resistance, not easy to aging. After being filled with water is more elastic cushioning, emptying the water after the flexible mobile. Yellow / red / white three colors to choose.
[ Characteristics ]
In 1, the water horse hollow irrigation, with elastic cushioning, can effectively absorb the powerful impact force, reduce traffic accidents; combined use, whole bear stronger, more stable
In 2, bright color, size, indicating the route clear
In 3, the installation of mobile quick and easy, no machinery, cost saving, no damage on the road
In 4, with the road camber adjustment, flexible and convenient
5, can device warning yellow flashing lights or other additional facilities, such as billboards, signs or fences, play different role and effect
6, suitable for in any way, fork, toll stations and other places
[ material ]
Materials imported high strength environmental protection of linear polyethylene with imported pigments and additives made of unique formula, not easy to fade, beautiful and durable, deeply for me to one of the characteristics of products, fine workmanship, sturdy and durable.
[ applicable scope ]
The central road isolation, highway toll station square guide fence, elevated road ramp extending isolation column, station square, organs and units of fence gate central segregation column, the temporary isolation fence