
厂商 :泉州双环贸易公司

福建 泉州
  • 主营产品:
  • 重型车等机械动力设备
  • 矿山机械
  • 港口机械
联系电话 :13400825923

Universal Flow Monitors
UFM流量计代理,UFM流量开关代理,Universal Flow Monitors, Inc代理
美国 Universal Flow Monitors, Inc (UFM)公司流量计产品
美国UNIVERSAL流量仪表公司 Universal Flow Monitors, Inc 美国通用流量仪表公司成立于1963年,主要经营萧管径,小流量的气体、液体流量计及流量开关,其中结构简易、质量可靠的通用叶片及活塞型流量计、开关广泛应用于润滑油、水、盐水、降离子水、油漆及压缩空气流量;涡街流量计则适用于水及冷却剂的流量;气体质量流量计则广泛应用于空气、CO2、氩气、氦气、氮气、天然气等非腐蚀性气体。 Universal Flow Monitors, Inc was incorporated in 1963. It is a closely held company owned and run by Erik and Lars Rosaen. This family owned business started out making variable area flow switches for the automotive market. They were used largely for lubrication flow, cooling water and paint and this remains true today. Over the years, Universal has added flow indication and flow transmitters to the basic design platform. We have also added the Insite? and FlowStream? product lines. Insite? is a plastic see through flow indicator used for water , de-ionized water and dilute chemicals used in waste water treatment. The FlowStream? product uses a different technology to measure the mass flow of clean gasses where fast response and survivability are key. In 1999, Universal acquired 50% of Norco Products, Inc which makes water shut off valves used in resistance welding applications. Putting it all together, Universal and Norco (renamed Rocon) make flowmeters and controls for fluids used in high production. The products are characterized by a simple and robust design backed up by high customer service and dedication to quality.

□ 适合测量油、润滑油、冷冻水等
□ 涡街流量计
□ 容积式流量计
□ 变面积式流量计
Universal Flow Monitors, Inc 产品系列:

□ UNIVERSAL MN,MM,MH系列流量计中等轮叶型用于各种液体
□ 美国UFM公司OFS系列质量流量计
□ 美国UFM浮子流量计
□ UFM涡街流量计
□ 流量开关可监控水和润滑剂
□ Universal Flow Monitors, Inc.公司提供了机器人加工不锈钢流量计

□ 流量计
□ 流量指示仪
□ 开关
□ 变送器
□ 信号指示仪
Universal Flow Monitors, Inc 产品应用领域:
□ 汽车制造
□ 能源管理
□ 煤炭业
□ 燃料电池
□ 玻璃涂层
□ 热处理
□ 机械工业
□ 涂料加工
□ 采矿业
□ 造纸业&塑料
□ 电力
□ 半导体
□ 轮胎和橡胶
□ 污水处理
□ 冶金
□ 石油化工
序 号 产 品名 称 Universal Flow Monitors Inc.型号
    1 流量开关 MN-DSF150LM-16-1050V.9-A2WL-ST-105D
    2 流量开关 MN-DSF175LMV-16FTCS150RF-1050V.9-A2WC-ST-121D
    3 流量计 MN-DSF150LM-16-1050V,9-A2WLST-105D
    4 流量开关 MX-VTF160GM-24R-32V1.023-A1XR-Z86-120D
    5 流量开关 SH-NSB5DGM-4-32KCS.9-A1NL-1.5D
    6 流量开关 SH-CSB-3GM-4-1500V9-AZWR-1.7D-1.7D
    7 流量开关 SH-CSB-5GLW-4-1500V9-AZWR-2DT
    8 流量开关 SH-NSB5DGM-4-32KCS.9-A1NL-1.5D
    9 流量开关 06GM-6-1000V.9-A2XU-3.5D-4D
    10 流量开关 MN-ASM90LM-24BP-460S.9-A0NL
    11 流量开关 MN-ASM90LM-24BP-460CS.9-A1NL
    12 流量开关 XHF-DIE35000LM-48W-32V1.0-R1WR-2600D
    13 流量开关 MN-DSF230LM-16F-1050V.9-A2WL-ST-Z20-Z33-160D
    14 流量开关 O1GMV-4-320V.9-A0NR
    15 流量开关 03GMV-4-320V.9-AINR
    16 流量开关 MN-ASB15GM-8-700V.9-AINR-5D
    17 流量开关 MN-ASB40GM-10-150V.85-AIND-10D
    18 流量开关 MN-ASM90LM-24BP-460CS.9-A0NL
    19 流量开关 MN-ASM90LM-24BP-460CS.9-A1NL
    20 流量计 MN-ASB100LM-24BP-460CS.9-A1NR Rp11/2
    21 流量计 MN-ASB150LM-32BP-460CS.9-A1NL Rp2
    22 流量计 MN-ASB150LM-32BP-460CS.9-A1NR Rp2
    23 流量计 MN-ASB200LM-32BP-460CS.9-A1NR Rp2
    24 流量计 MN-ASB90LM-24BP-460CS.9-A1NL Rp11/2
    25 流量计 MN-ASB40LM-20BP-460CS.9-A0NR Rp11/4
    26 流量计 MN-ASB150LM-20BP-460CS.9-A0NL Rp11/4
    27 流量计 MN-ASB60LM-20BP-460CS.9-A0NL Rp11/4
    28 流量开关 SN-ASB1.5GLM-6- 1000V.9-AIXL-C TYPE:4X
    29 流量开关 MN-ASM90LM-24BP-460CS.9-A0NL
    30 流量开关 MN-ASM90LM-24BP-460CS.9-A1NL
