
厂商 :雷力机械厂

河南 郑州
  • 主营产品:
  • 除草机
  • 电动运输车
  • 植树挖坑机
联系电话 :15225155386
微耕机 除草机 微耕除草机公司除草机 微耕机价格最合理。微耕机是我厂最新设计的一款高端微耕、松土、除草机器。除草机设计了一种水田、农田、果园、苗莆等苗间除草作业的弹齿式除草装置,除草机采用钢丝软轴传动,除草盘为弧形。分别在秧苗生长到第7天和第14天时采用二次旋转正交设计进行土槽试验,利用Design-Expert软件分析,获得除草盘转速、机器前进速度、耕作深度之间交互作用及对除草率和伤苗率的影响。最终确定第7天作业时除草装置的最佳工作参数为:除草盘转速230r/min、机器前进速度1.02m/s、耕作深度18mm,此时除草率73%及伤苗率0.13%;第14天作业的最优组合为:除草盘转速230r/min,机器前进速度0.48m/s,耕作深度27mm。根据第7天试验最佳工作参数组合进行验证试验,结果表明此参数组合能满足除草率要求,且伤苗率最小。A spring-tooth weeding working in paddy field was designed. Weed cutter with arc-shaped bend could reduce the injury rate of seedlings in some extent. The steel soft shaft was selected as transmission parts of the device. The quadratic rotation-orthogonal test was applied in 7 and 14 days respectively. The effects of interaction of cutter rotation speed, forward velocity of machine, buried depth on weeding ratio and seeding injury ratio were attained. The optimal combination in 7 days’ test was: the cutter rotation speed was 230r/min, the forward velocity was 1.02m/s, the buried depth was 18 mm, weeding rate was 73%, and miller injury rate was 0.13%. The optimal combination in 14 days’ test was: the cutter rotation speed was 230r/min, the forward velocity was 0.48m/s, the buried depth was 27mm. The verification test was carried on according to the optimal operational parameters combination. The results showed that this operational parameter combination could fulfils the request of weeding ratio; meanwhile, the seeding injury ratio was the lowest.
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