
厂商 :百仕得机电设备(苏州)有限公司

江苏 苏州
  • 主营产品:
  • 高频逆变直流点焊机
  • 金属点焊机
  • 自动化电池点焊机
联系电话 :18912627389
百仕得此套产品可做美国小霸125DP的替代品。8年经验,成熟产品型。可搭配气动/脚踏式平衡焊焊接机头﹑精密焊接电源控制器分体设计,便于不同生产线上组合。 125焦耳,完全不受电网电压波动的影响,快速﹑精确焊接。双脉冲输出,焊镀层材料极佳。可远程控制,便于自动线上使用。数字能量设定数字化精确,使调试操作更简单易用。可存储多种焊接程序,方便多种焊接。

■ 采用16位微处理器控制,7种焊接程序存储
■ 快速充放电,120次/分钟(25%能量)
■ 提供高的峰值能量和快速的上升时间,三种波形选择
■ 每一次焊接能量输出保持一致
■ 解决大多数精密小零件的焊接
■ 工件的焊接痕迹和变形最小。
■ 高稳定性的输出,不受线电压(电网)波动的影响
■ 可远程控制,便于自动生产线上的应用

It uses 16-bit microprocessor control and has 7 welding program storages .

Fast discharge which is 120 times per minute (25% energy) .
It provides high peak energy and fast increase time with the selection of three wave forms.
The energy output of each welding can be constant .
It resolves the welding of most precision small parts .
The welding marking and deformation can be reduced to the minimum .
Highly stable output which is not affected by the voltage (electric grid) turbulence .
It can be remotely controlled and is easy for use on production lines .



■ 多种控制方式(恒流,恒压,恒功率)             
 Our products are manufactured with the high-frequency inversion welding power supply which is controlled by constant current regulation and constant voltage. They have greatly improved the consistence of welding and have reduced the splashing to the minimum. The unique preheating function has allowed the temperature of welding parts to increase evenly which has allowed the welding spots to be more secure. Because of the instant response of high-speed feedback, the precision welding of high speed, high quality and high reliability has been achieved.
