
厂商 :岳阳市巴陵佳云石化有限公司

湖南 岳阳市
  • 主营产品:
  • 环氧树脂
  • 己内酰胺
  • 尼龙切片
联系电话 :13507300514

热塑性橡胶SIS 1209

牌号Brand  SIS1209

产品性能Product performance

外观Appearance:白色或浅色,不含机械杂质及油污white or light color, no mechanical impurities and oil



SI含量SI content(10)0

嵌段比Block ratio SI29/71

挥发份(质量分数)Volatile fraction( mass fraction)  %:≤0.70

溶液粘度Solution viscosity  mPas:≤1600

拉伸强度Tensile strenth(MPa)11.0


熔体质量流动速率Melt flow rate(g/10min) 6.0~15

邵氏硬度hardness shore(A):≤60

主要应用领域Major End Use:胶带、标签、卫生巾、纸尿裤、塑料改性等。Tape, labels, sanitary napkins, diapers, plastic modification and so on. Yueyang City Jia Yun Baling Petrochemical Co. Ltd. long-term stock.

包装Packing:苯乙烯-异戊二烯嵌段共聚物(SIS)产品用纸塑复合袋或内衬黑色聚乙烯薄膜的聚丙烯编织袋包装,每袋产品净含量为25kg±0.25kg20kg±0.20kgThe styrene isoprene block copolymer (SIS) product is packed in a paper plastic composite bag or a polypropylene woven fabric lined with black polyethylene film, and the net content of each bag is 25kg + 0.25kg or 20kg + 0.20kg.

运输transport:在运输过程中,应采取措施防止日光直接照射和雨水浸泡,运输车辆应整洁、避免包装破损和杂物混入,不属于危险品。During transportation, measures should be taken to prevent direct sunlight and rain soaking. Transportation vehicles should be neat, avoid packaging damage and debris mixed, not dangerous goods.

贮存Keep in storage:苯乙烯-异戊二烯嵌段共聚物(SIS)产品应贮存在通风、干燥、清洁并保持有良好消防设施的仓库内。贮存时,应成行成垛整齐堆放,并保持一定行距,远离热源,并防止阳光直接照射,严禁在露天堆放。贮存期从生产之日起,一般不超过12个月。Styrene - isoprene block copolymer (SIS) products should be stored in a warehouse that is ventilated, dry, clean and maintained with good fire protection facilities. In storage, it should be stacked and stacked in neat rows, keep a certain distance, keep away from the heat source, prevent direct sunlight from irradiation, and strictly prohibit stacking in the open air. The storage period is generally not more than 12 months from the date of production.

