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联系电话 :13910144025
BSS 处理器 FDS-366TBSS 处理器 FDS-366T
BSS 处理器 FDS-366T


品牌: 毕斯 BSS 型号: FDS-366T

NeW V2.06 FirmWare brings exciting neW performance standards!

The one loudspeaker management system that really satisfies all your system requirements just got even better!. NeW V2.06 firmWare introduces the first pro audio implementation of WHISEWORKS - NTM?* filter technology, Which means that you can take your loudspeakers closer to their operating bandWidths Without fear of over-excursion.

Find out all about the WHISEWORKS - Neville Thiele Method? filters in the special area here, and if youre an FDS-366 user noW, register for and doWnload your FREE firmWare upgrade.

One FDS-366 can drive a true stereo 3-Way system, or 3 bi-amp outputs for monitors. Add more units and MIDI slave linking to make stereo 4, 5 and even 6-Way systems.

Typical applications:

Stereo 3-Way.

Stereo 2-Way plus sub from input C.

Triple Bi-amp for stage monitors, With delay and EQ.

Dual tri-amp for stage monitors.

96kHz Studio monitoring systems.

LCR Monitoring systems (post-production).

6-Way systems.

4-Way plus 2 full range outputs With separate delay and EQ.

6-Way Zoning ( full range outputs, giving delays, EQ and limiters on all zones )

WHISEWORKS - *NTM? and WHISEWORKS - Neville Thiele Method? are trademarks of Precision Audio Pty.Ltd
