
厂商 :江苏三马起重机械制造有限公司

江苏 靖江
  • 主营产品:
  • 电动葫芦配件
  • 江苏三马电动葫芦
  • 柱吊
联系电话 :15261036599
防爆电动葫芦电机均已取得国家颁发的"工业生产许可证"、"防爆合格证"和"’MA’-安全标志准用证",并于2002年3月获得由"上海质量体系审核中心"颁发的"质量管理体系认证证书GB/T19001-2000-ISO 9001:2000"。公司倡导先进的企业文化,发扬“精益求精 开拓创新”的南起精神,不断把科学的管理融入现代化企业制度中,长期致力于实施“精心设计、严格管理,向顾
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BZD, BZDY range of flame- proof three- phase induction motors with conic rotor
BZD系列和BZDY系列电动机按国家标准GB3836.2-83《爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备隔爆型电气设备“d”》的要求,制成隔爆型,防爆标志dII BT4、dII CT4,适用于工厂具有级别IIB、IIC级,温度组别T1~T4组的可燃性气体、蒸气与空气形成的爆炸性气体混合物的场所。
额定电压: 380V
额定频率: 50Hz
The motor with conic rotor is the lateat IIB and IIC one designed byour works.
The BZD range of motors is used as the lifting motor of explosion- proofelectric hoist and the driving equipment of explosion- proof windingengine and other machinery. The BZDY range of motors is as the runmotor of explosion-proof hoist or matched with the driving device ofsingle carrier.
The explosion-proof characteristic GB3836.2-2000 << Flame-proof "d"- - ElectricalApparatus Used in Explosive Atmosphere Part 2 >> can be made into flame-proof type. This range ofmotors, whose explosive marking is dI, dIIAT4, dIIBT4 and dIICT4, canrespectively used in places where there are flammable gas and themixture of the vapour and air in the coal minging and factory wherethe protection degree is IIA,IIB or IIC and temperature is T1-T4.
Duty type is S4 whose the basic load continuity is 25% and theequivalent starting times is 120 every hour.
Rated voltage: 380V.
Rated frequency: 50Hz.
Protection grade: IP44 or IP54.
