厂商 :山东通华机械有限公司
山东 济宁- 主营产品:
- 小型压路机
- 越野叉车
- 小型挖掘机

?For the first and second grade national trunk roads and special roads for automobiles, 6-10t large-scale vibratory roller with high compaction capacity should be used; for the highways below the third xgrade, or when compaction operationxs are not often carried out,小压路机, it is better to equip with about 2T mobile and flexible vibratory roller.
For cement concrete pement, tyre-driven series vibratory roller can be used.
For asphalt concrete pement, full-drive vibratory roller should be selected.
?For the bottom of high-grade pement subgrade, it is better to use tyre roller or tyre-driven vibratory roller for compaction, in order to obtain uniform density;
?When repairing the road surface, the static acting light wheel roller can be selected.
?When rolling asphalt concrete pement, the weight, amplitude and vibration frequency of roller should be selected according to the ping thickness of mixture. Usually, on the thin pement with thickness less than 60 mm, it is better to use a small vibratory roller with amplitude of 0.35-0.60 mm, 2-6 t, so as to oid the phenomenon of stacking, ripple and damage of aggregate.
?At the same time, in order to prevent supercooling of asphalt mixture,小型压路机厂家, it should be followed by rolling after ping. Large and medium-sized vibratory roller with high amplitude (up to 1.0mm) and 6-10t should be used for thick pement with thickness greater than 100mm.
压路机减震块主要用来抑制弹簧吸震后反弹时的震荡及来自路面的冲击,在关于悬挂系统的改装过程中,硬的减震块要与硬的弹簧相搭配, 而弹簧的硬度又与车重息息相关,因此较重的压路机一般采用较硬的减震器。与引震曲轴相接的装置,用来抗衡曲轴的扭转震动。那么压路机的减震块有什么优势呢?下面由通华机械小编为大家介绍。?