厂商 :河北新型保温材料有限公司
河北 廊坊市- 主营产品:
- 硅酸铝针刺毯
- 硅酸铝保温材料
- 电梯井吸音板
联系电话 :13292606366
供应钢结构专用玻璃棉-价格-最新报价钢结构专用玻璃棉价格最新报价 钢结构玻璃棉卷毡 离心玻璃棉毡是为适应大面积敷设需要而制成的卷材,除保持了保温隔热的特点外,还具有十分优异的减震.吸声 特性.尤其对中低频和各种震动噪声均有良好的吸收效果,有利于减少噪声污染,改善工作环境这种材料在施工中还可 根据需要任意剪裁,主要用于建筑室内,消声系统,交通工具,制冷设备,家用电器的减震、吸声、降噪处理,效果十 分理想。序号 ) 容重(kg/M3) 厚度(mm) 长度(mm) 宽度(mm)1 10 50~150 10000~55000 12002 12 50~150 11000 12003 16 50~150 55000 12004 20 50~150 10000~55000 1200
容重:10-72kg/m3 厚度:25一lOOmm 长度:3m一20m 宽度:1200mm 离心玻璃棉板 离心玻璃棉板是离心玻璃棉经过固化处理后制成的具有一定强度的板材制品,无论在高温或低温环境中均能保 持良好的保温隔热性能.主要用于高级建筑的内墙隔间.天花吊顶,铁皮风管或风箱内壁的保温,机房内的吸声 降噪.金属天棚的流汗控制等,具有广阔的应用前景。体积密度:32-300kg/m3(可根据用户要求订做)纤维直径:<6μm导热系数:0.36w/m.k(厚度相关)安全使用温度:-120℃~400℃
容重:24—96kg/m3 厚度:25-l00mm 长度:600mm一2400mm 宽度:(Width):600mm一1200mm 我公司用特种工艺生产了专门供空调风管使用的空调板项目 单位 本公司产品 测试标准密度 kg/m3 50-80 GB5480.3-1985纤维平均直径 µm 5 GB5480.4-1985吸湿性 % <3% GB10299-1988导热系数 w/m.k ≤0.04 GB10294-88不燃性 不燃A级 GB8624-1997吸声系数 1.03产品混响定法 24kg/m32000HZ GBJ47-83使用温度 ℃ ≤120 GB11835-89Centrifugal glass wool feltCentrifugal glass wool feltThe centrifugal glass wool felt is a kind of scrolling materials made for the large area laying. Besides heat insulation and thermal insulation, it has other advantages such as excellent damping and sound absorption, especially for intermediate and low frequency and all kinds of noise concussion, noise reduction and working environment improvement.
The materials can be cut at random according to the construction requirement.It is mainly used on the following aspects:rooms of buildings,sound reduction system,mean of communication, refrigeration equipments, damping, and sound absorption and noise reduction of domestic electric appliance, which has a satisfatory effect.
The glass wool felt with aluminium foil on the surface has the effect of heat radiation hardening, a lining material mainly used in high-temperature workshops, control room, inner wall of computer lab,isolated room and flat top.
容重:10-72kg/m3 厚度:25一lOOmm 长度:3m一20m 宽度:1200mm 离心玻璃棉板 离心玻璃棉板是离心玻璃棉经过固化处理后制成的具有一定强度的板材制品,无论在高温或低温环境中均能保 持良好的保温隔热性能.主要用于高级建筑的内墙隔间.天花吊顶,铁皮风管或风箱内壁的保温,机房内的吸声 降噪.金属天棚的流汗控制等,具有广阔的应用前景。体积密度:32-300kg/m3(可根据用户要求订做)纤维直径:<6μm导热系数:0.36w/m.k(厚度相关)安全使用温度:-120℃~400℃
容重:24—96kg/m3 厚度:25-l00mm 长度:600mm一2400mm 宽度:(Width):600mm一1200mm 我公司用特种工艺生产了专门供空调风管使用的空调板项目 单位 本公司产品 测试标准密度 kg/m3 50-80 GB5480.3-1985纤维平均直径 µm 5 GB5480.4-1985吸湿性 % <3% GB10299-1988导热系数 w/m.k ≤0.04 GB10294-88不燃性 不燃A级 GB8624-1997吸声系数 1.03产品混响定法 24kg/m32000HZ GBJ47-83使用温度 ℃ ≤120 GB11835-89Centrifugal glass wool feltCentrifugal glass wool feltThe centrifugal glass wool felt is a kind of scrolling materials made for the large area laying. Besides heat insulation and thermal insulation, it has other advantages such as excellent damping and sound absorption, especially for intermediate and low frequency and all kinds of noise concussion, noise reduction and working environment improvement.
The materials can be cut at random according to the construction requirement.It is mainly used on the following aspects:rooms of buildings,sound reduction system,mean of communication, refrigeration equipments, damping, and sound absorption and noise reduction of domestic electric appliance, which has a satisfatory effect.
The glass wool felt with aluminium foil on the surface has the effect of heat radiation hardening, a lining material mainly used in high-temperature workshops, control room, inner wall of computer lab,isolated room and flat top.
欢迎新老客户与我公司合作!我们将竭诚为您服务!详询: 姓 名:崔经理(销售部 经理) 手 机:13292606366 电 话:0316-5781624 传 真:0316-5792822 E-mail:hbxxbwcl@126.com 地 址: 中国 河北 廊坊 大城县 留各庄工业区 邮 编: 065903 注:此号码只面向客户 谢绝一切广告与推销 欢迎广大客户来函咨询指导!我们伸出诚挚的双手期待与您共同的合作发展!