厂商 :深圳市博瑞图电子科技有限公司
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:
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联系电话 :13798234453
Lattice usb下载线
2. 无需单独安装驱动,直接支持ispLever6.x/7.x/classic版本,ispVM各种版本
3. 支持lattice全系列FPGA,SC/SCM/XP/XP2/EC/ECP2/ECP2M/MachXO
4. 支持lattice全系列CPLD, 1000/2000/4000 系列
5. USB标准B型接口,使用标准USB连接线即可连接PC
6. USB供电,无需外部供电支持
7. 支持JTAG, internal FLASH,SPI FLASH等编程模式
8. 10针分离镀金插针式接口,可支持不同目标板接口
Lattice ispDOWNLOAD? Cable products are the hardware connection for in-system programming of all Lattice devices. After completion of the logic design and creation of a programming file with the Lattice Diamond?, isp?LEVER? Classic or PAC-Designer? software, the Lattice Diamond Programmer, or Lattices ispVM? System soft?ware is used to control the programming of devices directly on the PC board. No additional components are required to program a device.
1. After you complete your logic design and create a programming file with the Lattice Diamond/ispLEVER develop?ment tools, you can use ispVM? System software or Diamond Programmer to program devices on your board. The ispVM System/Diamond Programmer software automatically generates the appropriate programming com?mands, programming addresses and programming data based on information stored in the programming file and parameters you set in ispVM/Diamond Programmer. Programming signals are then generated from the USB or par?allel port of a PC and directed through the ispDOWNLOAD Cable to the device. No additional components are required for programming.
2. 出货清单
1. 下载适配器1个
2. USB A-B型连接线1条
3. 75公分10针下载线1条
TEL :0755-83244576
MOB :13798234453
FAX :0755-83244576
ADD :深圳市福田区福明路雷圳大厦西半层503室(上海宾馆对面)
EMAIL :lijin810230@163.COM
网 址:www.szprotools.com
2. 无需单独安装驱动,直接支持ispLever6.x/7.x/classic版本,ispVM各种版本
3. 支持lattice全系列FPGA,SC/SCM/XP/XP2/EC/ECP2/ECP2M/MachXO
4. 支持lattice全系列CPLD, 1000/2000/4000 系列
5. USB标准B型接口,使用标准USB连接线即可连接PC
6. USB供电,无需外部供电支持
7. 支持JTAG, internal FLASH,SPI FLASH等编程模式
8. 10针分离镀金插针式接口,可支持不同目标板接口
Lattice ispDOWNLOAD? Cable products are the hardware connection for in-system programming of all Lattice devices. After completion of the logic design and creation of a programming file with the Lattice Diamond?, isp?LEVER? Classic or PAC-Designer? software, the Lattice Diamond Programmer, or Lattices ispVM? System soft?ware is used to control the programming of devices directly on the PC board. No additional components are required to program a device.
1. After you complete your logic design and create a programming file with the Lattice Diamond/ispLEVER develop?ment tools, you can use ispVM? System software or Diamond Programmer to program devices on your board. The ispVM System/Diamond Programmer software automatically generates the appropriate programming com?mands, programming addresses and programming data based on information stored in the programming file and parameters you set in ispVM/Diamond Programmer. Programming signals are then generated from the USB or par?allel port of a PC and directed through the ispDOWNLOAD Cable to the device. No additional components are required for programming.
2. 出货清单
1. 下载适配器1个
2. USB A-B型连接线1条
3. 75公分10针下载线1条
TEL :0755-83244576
MOB :13798234453
FAX :0755-83244576
ADD :深圳市福田区福明路雷圳大厦西半层503室(上海宾馆对面)
EMAIL :lijin810230@163.COM
网 址:www.szprotools.com