
厂商 :常州市欧辉照明灯具

江苏 常州
  • 主营产品:
  • 防爆灯具
  • 防爆探照灯
  • 防爆强光泛光灯
联系电话 :13656110762
BAT51防爆投光灯 BAD5050系列防爆投光灯(IIB)价格/防爆投光灯价格、一体式防爆投光灯
 适用范围 Application
 1区、2区危险场所。                        Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places.                           
 ⅡA、ⅡB、IIC类爆炸性气体环境。    Can be used in IIA、IIB、group explosive atmosphere.         
 可配装汞灯、高压钠灯、金卤灯.       Suitable for incandescent lamp.                              
 型号含义 Model implication
 产品特点 Features
铸铝合金外客,压铸成形,表面喷塑。                         Diecasted aluminium alloy shell with plastic-sprayed surface.
灯体可在水平旋转360°仰角在+90°至-60°内可调。     The lamp boby can be rotated 360C levelly and adjusted from+90C
                                                                                                                            to-60C elevately.
反射罩采用抛物面形状,反射率高,针对250W功率没有调     The reflector uses paroboloid shape,high reflectivity,aim at 250W
     焦机构,可实现远近调节,远光时,射程能达100m.              power,it has adjusting focus organization can realize hear and ofr
                                                                         adjustment,it can reach 100m when it is far hight.
有较强的防水性能,可使用于船舶或石油平台等有较高防护    With high performance of water-proofing and applicable to use in the place
    要求的场所供照明之用。                                      to illuminate that have higher protection demand,such as  ship,petroleum
 电缆布线.                                                                 Suitable for cable wiring.
符合GB3836-2000,IEC60078标准要求。                  Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60078 standard request.
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters
              防爆标志               防护等级            电缆外径(¢,mm)             进线口螺纹(G")            灯座代号             质量(kg)
                   Ex-mark                      Protection                 Cables outside                          Inlets thread                       Lamp socket               Mass      
                                                       grade                          diameter
                Exd Ⅱ BT3                   IP55                            10~14                                             3/4                                 E40                          1.8
              *Exde II CT3                                                                                                                                   60(1000w)
 配用光源 Supplied with lamps
          光源类型                    自镇汞灯                      高压汞灯                     高压钠灯                         金卤灯
             Lamp type             Self-ballasted mercuty                Mercurypor lamp             Mercury vapor lamp            Metal halide lamp
                                    Vapor lamp 
               Rated voltage                                                  220V/50Hz
              额定功率                                                        175                         150                                 175
              Rated power                 250                               250                          250                                 250
                                             450                               400                          400                                 400
