厂商 :上海布劳得环境科技有限公司
上海 上海- 主营产品:
- 除尘器
- 管道快速接头
- 温控器
联系电话 :13301931362
3508三相电源工业吸尘器,功率为4.0KW,可清理固态和液态物质,此系列机型 在工业吸尘机中体现一种全新概念,他们大量的采用标准组件,并附有特殊的套件,能满足各种工业需求的附件,任何操作模式都符合国际标准规则.3508W此款机器配有并联式的马达,提供了更高的空气流量及真空度和更好的吸尘效果. Password: modularity and safety. The new CFM model 3508 borns after more than 25 years of experience. New electronic parts, new manual filtershaker, large wheels to move better the machine, reduced noise level and numerous kits to grant high levels of safety and efficiency. The new threephase model 3508, ideal to use for the a lot of applications, is available in two versions: with major airflow or with major depression. |
型号CFM-3508 功率4K(w) 噪音72dB(A) 最大真空度 4600 daPa