
厂商 :浙江顺新防爆电器有限公司

浙江 温州
  • 主营产品:
  • 防爆配电箱
  • 防爆空调
  • 防爆操作柱
联系电话 :13868784267
产品特点 Featrues
■本产品复合型结构,开关箱采用隔爆型结构,母线箱及出线 ◆ This product is of combined structure,switch box adopts The structrue
箱采用增安型结构. of flame-proof,busbar and outlet compartment are of safety increased type.
■铸铝合金外壳,内装高分析断小型断路器,具有过载短路保 ◆ MCB with high breaking capacity is mounted inside the diedcastedAI-alloy shell
护功能并可根据要求增加漏电保护等功能. Which has the function of protecting of electrical leakage is available as required.
■采用模块结构,各种回路可以自由选择组合. ◆ Moulded structure,free combination for each circuit.
■有特殊要求可特制. ◆ Can be made specially to special requirement.
■钢管或电缆布线均可. ◆ Suitable for both steelpipe and cable wiring.
■符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求. ◆ Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request.
主要技术参数 Main te chnical parameters
额定电 主回路额 主回路总 支路额 管螺纹 Thread 电缆外径(mm) 防护等级
型号 压(V) 定电流(A) 支路数 开关数(台) 电流(A) 防爆标志 进线 出线 进线 出线 Protection
Type Rated Rated current Branch Switch No. Branch Ex-mark Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
voltage of main circuit number of main circuit current
