厂商 :东莞市百亮清洁用品有限公司
广东 东莞市- 主营产品:
- 蜡水
- 清洁剂
型号: |
BL-01 |
PH值: |
7 |
品牌: |
百亮 |
Strongly since the wax
【Product Description】
This product has a strength of penetration of the solvent power, can effectively remove the surface wax layer and stains, diluted cleaning hard floor surface stains and water-based stains, but does not affect the surface of the floor, before the re-waxing of the floor necessary supplies.
1, first floor wax clean broom or electrostatic cloth.
2, then a strong wax from the water was diluted 4-10 times of water (warm water is more appropriate), mop or sprinkler cloth will be cleaning the floor, sit around and wait five minutes later, and strong from the wax water permeable dissolve the old wax.
3, multi-functional brush and machine add professional wax pad to wipe the floor on the old wax from the full over the water two to three times the suction machine sucking the sewage until the floor surface is completely dry after waxing.
This strong alkaline solvents, used to wear rubber gloves to avoid contact with skin and eyes, if it is accidentally spilled, flush with water for 15-30 minutes, if you feel unwell, come forward for medical treatment. Note: Do not allow children access!
【The main components】
Solvents, fragrances, inorganic base, organic base of raw materials, surface-active agent.
【Executive standard】Q/ST2-2003;
【Shelf life】Avoid direct sunlight, put in a cool dry place, sealed and stored for 2 years.
【Manufacturing date and batch number】Marked on the barrel end.
【Package】1 gallon = 3.785L; 5 gallons / box / barrel; 200KG / barrel;
1、 目的:却除地板上的原来的蜡和污垢,然生重新打蜡。
2、 材料:干净的静电尘推1把,干净的拖把1个,畚箕和扫把,擦地机1台,黑色强力起蜡垫2块,干湿两用吸尘器1台,告示牌1块,水桶2个,抹布两块,全能清洁剂1加仑,超强起蜡水1加仑,脚垫1块。
3、 打蜡:
①、 准备工作
②、 地板清洁
③、 地板起蜡
A、 将百亮牌强力起蜡水倒入桶内,用干净的拖把将起蜡水涂抹在地面上,让溶液在地面上停留约10分钟,观察地板表面蜡垢变白,注意不要让起蜡水干掉。
B、 在擦地机下安上起蜡垫,沿踢脚线擦下去,然后再左右往返操作,墙角处需用百洁布擦洗,在特别脏的部位要倾斜机器使其着力刷,注意不要将起蜡水溅到护墙板上。
C、 用吸尘器吸取地面的除蜡剂,别让污液弄脏地板。
D、 将全能水按1:20比例兑水,把拖把拧至无滴水状态,对地板进行拖拭,其目的是可以减少已经成团的蜡垢的粘力,部分较脏的区域需由擦地机进行重擦。
E、 在使用擦地机时,起蜡垫会附上较厚的蜡垢,需用清水进行清洁后再重复使用,直至将蜡剂完全清除为止。
F、 用拖把和清水将地板表面的药水拖洗干净,再用干的抹布或干的拖把将地板表面的水渍清除,此时确保室内处于通风状态。
④、 地板检查
⑤、 清理