General description:
EKL3.EKL-4 panel FAULT indicator is a complete system installed
on a distribution network in the ring network switch cabinet, cable branch box,
box variable on the cables used to indicate the corresponding sections of the
3. 自动复位 :当指示器发出报警信号后,如果无人工复位,则指示器将在设定的复位时间内自动复位。
4. 人工复位 :当指示器产生报警后,可通过触发指示器主机面板上的“ 复位/ 测试”按钮进行复位,以解除报警。
5. 测试 :指示器可进行工作性能自检。通过按下主机面板上的“ 复位/ 测试”按钮并保持1.5 秒进行测试。
6. 智能化:指示器产生指示报警信号后,可将报警信号输出远传。也可接收远方的复位信号,对指示器进行远方复位
Main function:
1. Short-circuit alarm instructions: short-circuit sensor to
detect lines in the work of current, short-circuit faul toccurs when the circuit
and the fault current reached orexceeded the alarm current setting value, the
short-circuit sensor alarm signals through the optical fiber transmission to the
host, the host receives this signal After the instructions to produce alarm
2. Grounding alarm instructions: ground sensors to detect the
line in the work of zero sequence current, ground fault occurs when the circuit
and earth fault current to reach or exceed the current alarm setting value, the
ground sensor alarm signals through the optical fiber transmission to the h o s
t , t h e h o s t r e c e i v e s t h i s s i g n a l t o g e n e r a t e a
corresponding alarm indication signal.
3. Auto-Reset: When the indicator alarm signal, if there is no
manual reset, then the indicator will be reset at the set time automatically
5 . T e s t : p e r f o r m a n c e i n d i c a t o r c a n b e
t h e w o r k o f self-test. The host panel by pressing the "Reset / Test"button
and maintain the 1.5 seconds for testing.
6. Intelligence: indicator alarm signal generated instructions
can be alarm signal output FET. Can also be reset to receive distant signals to
remote reset operation of theindicator.