厂商 :华凯电容(深圳)有限公司
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:
- 高频低阻电解电容器
- 长寿命电解电容器
- 轴向型电解电容器
SL series Low Leakage Current 低泄漏电流品
1. 在常温或高温无负荷状况下经长时期放置后,尚能保持稳定之低泄漏电流特性。
After storage under normal or high temperature with no voltage Applied, the Llseries can still keep good low-leakage current in
Good stability
2. 适用于电视频道转换或小信号输入回路
Used in TVs frequency channel conversion or werk signal import loop circuits
No Item Performance
1 使用温度范围
Operating Temperature Range -40℃ to +105℃
2 定格电压范围
Rated Working Voltage Range 6.3 - 63V.DC
3 静电容量范围
Capacitance Tolerance 0.1-2200?F
4 静电容量容许差
Capacitance Tolerance ±20% (±10% units are available on request)(at+25℃,120Hz)
5 泄漏电流
Leakage Current
I≤0.002CV or0.4(?A) Where I:Leakage Current(?A)
(after two minutes) C:Rated Capacitance(?F)
V:Working Voltage (V)
6 损失角
Dissipation Factor(tanδ)
Working Voltage (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63
tanδ max. 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.10
7 温度特性(at 120 Hz)
Characteristics at low temperature (stability at 120Hz)
Working Voltage (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63
-25℃/+20℃ 4 3 2 2 2 2 2
-40/℃+20℃ 8 6 4 4 4 3 3
8 高温负荷特性
High Temperature Loading After 2000hrs. application of DC rated working voltage at +105℃,The capacitor shall meet the following limits:
Post test requirements at + 25℃
Leakage current ≤ the Initial specified value
Capacitance change ≤±20% of initial measured value
Dissipation Factor(tanδ) ≤200% of initial specified value
9 高温无负荷特性
Shelf Life After storage for 1000hrs. at+105℃ with no voltage applied.
Post test requirements at+25℃
Same limits for high temperature lading.
鋁質電解電容器插件式-LEH1000uf25v 鋁質電解電容器插件式
100v電容器電解 -4.7uf / 100v 角高音揚聲器和壓電高音揚聲器
铝电解电容-导针型- GD电容-超小型高频低阻抗电解电容LEH(HT)470UF10V 5x12
GD高頻低阻鋁電解電容(小型化)◇470uF 10V 105°C
铝电解电容/基板自立型 HP1000uf100v尺寸22x40
鋁質電解電容器 - 軸向插件式 150uF 16V 8x16mm 85 C
超小型高频低阻抗电解电容LEH(HT)470UF10V 5x12