
厂商 :深圳市德威达

广东 深圳
  • 主营产品:
  • 美国UEC压差开关
  • 美国ITT流量开关
  • 德威尔仪器仪表
联系电话 :
产品名称:  RHP-W系列挂墙式温湿度露点变送器
产品型号:  RHP-W系列




湿度范围: Range: 0 to 100% RH.

温度范围:-40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C) for thermistor and RTD sensors. -20 to 140°F (-28.9 to 60°C) for solid state temperature sensors.

露点温度范围: -20 to 140°F (-28.9 to 60°C); 0 to 100°F (-17.8 to 37.8°C); 40 to 90°F (4.4 to 32.3°C); -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) field selectable ranges.

精度: RH: Model RHP2 ±2% 10-90% RH @ 25°C, Model RHP3 ±3% 20-80% RH @ 25°C; Thermistor Temperature Sensor: ±0.4°F @ 77°F (±0.22°C @ 25°C); RTD Temperature Sensor: DIN Class B; ±0.54°F @ 32°F (±0.3°C @ 0°C); Solid State Temperature Sensor: ±0.9°F @ 72°F (±0.3°C @ 25°C).


重复性: ±0.1% typical.

温度: Operating: -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C); Storage: -40 to 176°F (-40 to 80°C).

Compensated Temperature Range: -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C).

电源: 10-35 VDC.

输出: 4-20 mA/0-5VDC/0-10VDC

响应时间: 15 seconds.

电气连接: Screw terminal block.

漂移:<1% RH/year.

RH 传感器: Capacitance polymer.

封装材质: White polycarbonate.

显示: Optional LCD, backlit on 0-5/10V models. Switch selectable %RH or dew point, °F/°C.

显示分辨率: RH: 1%; Temperature: 0.1°F (0.1°C); Dew Point: 1°F (1°C).

重量:0.3 lb (0.14 kg).

认证: CE.

