厂商 :青岛金泽泰化工有限公司

山东 青岛
  • 主营产品:
  • 高色素炭黑
  • 赢创化学炭黑
  • 色母粒炭黑
联系电话 :15606399892
供应EVA发泡普通色素碳黑 鞋底橡胶制品发泡专用

色素炭黑 color black 在油墨、油漆、涂料、塑料等制品中作着色颜料用的炭黑。按着色强度(或黑度)和粒子大小一般分为高色素炭黑、中色素炭黑、普通色素炭黑和低色素炭黑四种。主要是油炉法生产和槽法生产。

色素炭黑一般都能较好的给塑料着色,可根据着色特性或物化性能选用色素炭黑,着色用炭黑的品种的选择基本上都是随成品必须达到的黑度而定。 用极细的色素炭黑可以完成黑度要求特别高的着色; PE垃圾袋,塑料袋,电缆材料之类产品只需中等水平黑度,可以用比表面积较低,结构较高的炭黑品种;塑料调色时,炭黑称量和配料时出现的微小误差,均会导致明显的色差,因此,宜采用粒径较大,着色力较差的低色素炭黑,这样炭黑用量可以稍大,称量误差相对小些,并有分散性较好、价格较低的优点。对于灰色塑料,采用细粒色素炭黑往往呈现棕相灰色,而采用粗粒子色素炭黑可产生蓝相灰色。

 carbon black particles quickly press table
Surface smooth, high structure, in soft charcoal
Black, which is the highest reinforcing ability.
Used in tire ply, sidewall, inner tube
And extrusion, calendering rubber compound products.
This product is suitable for all kinds of natural rubber and synthetic rubber
Plastic, easily dispersed, can give very high rubber
Sex, extrusion speed, small mouth swelling pressure
A smooth surface. High temperature properties of vulcanized rubber
And good thermal conductivity, reinforcing properties, elastic
And resilience is also better. This product is used butyl rubber
When the rubber inner tube, and is best used with the N660
