厂商 :重庆巨匠竹制品有限公司
重庆 重庆- 主营产品:
- 竹酒具
- 竹茶叶包装
- 竹茶具
【规格】32*30*25 27*25*20 17*15*15
【 name 】 bamboo bowl salad bowl, bamboo, bamboo salad bowl, bamboo fruit bowl, bamboo fruit bowl, bamboo dish, the manual bamboo bowl
【 material 】 bamboo plants paint
【 specification 】 32*30*25 27*25*20 17*15*15
【 product introduction 】 this product USES high quality bamboo pass a few word handiwork to process, the outside on environmental protection plant color paint, paint, the colorless transparent in environmental safety. With high strength and toughness good, dont crack, not decay, easy cleaning, etc. Suitable costumes fruit, fruit salad salad, candy, dried fruit, picnic etc. Can also be put in the bedroom, studio, study, sitting room, etc as an ornament deck lives, also can treat as gift to friends.
Product appearance, color, the specification can be customized according to customers need.
- 厂家批发六角竹丝盒竹帘盒竹编盒寿司盒茶叶包装盒竹包装竹制品
- 竹亭竹楼竹房子竹景观竹长廊装修竹桥竹建筑竹牌坊免费设计安装
- 竹椅坝坝茶椅竹靠背椅手工庭院竹家具午休椅休闲椅户外火锅椅热卖
- 竹景观竹楼竹亭竹长廊竹别墅竹装饰竹材装修竹桥竹建筑竹房子 推荐 设计
- 手工竹编席吊顶竹篾席竹条席装修装潢茶楼碳化染色包边竹席 热卖 竹编席吊顶竹篾席竹条席竹席
- 设计承建竹牌坊竹门楼竹房子竹建筑
- 供应碳化竹杯巨匠厂家定制日式环保外贸精品天然碳化蛋形竹子小茶杯酒杯
- 供应竹盒巨匠厂家定制家居收纳特色天然欧式环保原竹碳化竹制
- 厂家批发定制天然竹盒竹包装盒旅行茶具干泡茶盘收纳竹盒一体两用
- 竹景观竹楼竹亭竹长廊竹别墅竹装饰竹材装修竹桥竹建筑竹房子 推荐 设计