厂商 :佛山市顺德区巨钢玻璃机械有限公司
广东 佛山- 主营产品:
- 石材磨边机
- 玻璃钻孔机
- 玻璃直边机
联系电话 :18934305685
This machine is suitable for grinding straight edge of different sizes and thickness of plate glass and 45 degree corners, rough grinding, fine grinding, polishing, chamfering process once processed, in grinding process arbitrarily adjust the feed rate and feed rate, adjusting the front rail is processed the thickness of the glass, and glass using synchronous belt transmission, processing spell ark, tea set and is the first equipment craft glass.
This machine is suitable for grinding straight edge of different sizes and thickness of plate glass and 45 degree corners, rough grinding, fine grinding, polishing, chamfering process once processed, in grinding process arbitrarily adjust the feed rate and feed rate, adjusting the front rail is processed the thickness of the glass, and glass using synchronous belt transmission, processing spell ark, tea set and is the first equipment craft glass.
- 供应JZP1000玻璃手动打砂机;干式喷砂机;喷砂雕刻机;厂家直销
- 供应JGZ-0222玻璃机械启动升降 上下钻 手动钻孔机
- 供应JGS2000玻璃砂带机 适用于门窗玻璃钢化前倒角修边
- 供应JGYM4320JGYM4320玻璃直线圆边机 玻璃圆边加工设备
- 供应 JGDJ1350玻璃倒角机 气动升降 可进行粗 精磨及抛光加工
- 供应JGX1200玻璃清洗机 卧式传输 无极调速
- 供应JGX2500JGX2500玻璃清洗干燥机 齿轮传动变频调速数字显示铝合金结构
- 供应JGX1600玻璃清洗机 卧式传输 强力热风烘干 无极调速 JGX1600
- 供应JGYM7320玻璃磨边机 7头玻璃直线圆边机 可加工不同形状边
- 供应JGXM261S玻璃斜边机马赛克 玻璃直线磨斜边机 小片玻璃斜边加工设