厂商 :江苏春晨电缆有限公司商务部
江苏 淮安市- 主营产品:
- 高温电缆
- 螺旋电缆
- 聚氯乙烯电缆
联系电话 :13064936658
What conditions should the parallel operation of the transformer meet?
答:变比相等 、连接组别相同 、短路电压相同 三个条件。
Answer: three conditions: the ratio of transformation is equal, the connection group is the same, and the short circuit voltage is the same.
14. 测量高压电压和大电流为什么使用互感器?
14., why do I use high voltage and high current to use transformers?
答: ( 1 )扩大了仪表的使用范围。只要用不同的变压比和变流比的互感器与满度电压是 100V 的电压表和满度电流为 5A 的电流表配合使用,就可以测量各种电压和电流。
Answer: (1) expanded the scope of the use of the instrument. A variety of voltages and currents can be measured as long as the transformer with different voltage variable ratio and variable flow ratio is used with the voltmeter of 100V and the current meter with full current of 5A.
( 2 )使仪表、继电器的规格统一、易于标准化、大批量生产。
(2) uniform specifications for instruments and relays, easy standardization and mass production.
( 3 )使用互感器作为一次电路与二次电路的中间元件,隔离了高电压的危险,也防止了二次电路故障对一次电路的影响。
(3) using the transformer as the intermediate element of the primary circuit and the two circuit, the danger of high voltage is isolated and the influence of the two circuit faults on the one circuit is also prevented.

15. 什么是开关设备?
15. what is the switchgear?
Answer: it is mainly used for power generation, transmission, distribution, and electrical energy conversion related switch appliances and the control, detection, protection and regulation of these switching devices.
16. 什么是控制设备?
16. what is the control device?
Answer: it is mainly used to control the switchgear and the combination of control, detection, protection and adjustment equipment of the switchgear.
17. 什么是过电流?
17. what is over current?
Answer: any electricity exceeding the rated current.
18. 电流是如何形成的?
How is the 18. current formed?
Answer: the directional movement of the free electrons in a conductor in the electric field under the effect of the rules of the current form.
19. 电能质量的指标有哪几项?
19. what are the indicators of the quality of electricity?
Answer: voltage deviation, voltage fluctuation and flicker, voltage sine wave distortion rate and frequency deviation.
20. 高压电器必须满足条件是?
20. high voltage electrical appliances must meet the conditions?
答:A. 绝缘安全可靠;
Answer: A. insulation is safe and reliable.
B. 在额定电流下长期运行且有一定的短时过载能力;
B. runs at a rated current for a long time and has a short time overload capability.
C. 能承载短路电流的热效应和电动力效应而不损坏;
C. can bear short circuit current thermal effect and electrodynamic effect without damage.
D. 开关电器能安全可靠关合开断规定的电流;
The D. switchgear can be safely and reliably shut down the prescribed current.
E. 户外的应承受一定的自然灾害。
E. outdoors should bear certain natural disasters.
What conditions should the parallel operation of the transformer meet?
答:变比相等 、连接组别相同 、短路电压相同 三个条件。
Answer: three conditions: the ratio of transformation is equal, the connection group is the same, and the short circuit voltage is the same.
14. 测量高压电压和大电流为什么使用互感器?

14., why do I use high voltage and high current to use transformers?
答: ( 1 )扩大了仪表的使用范围。只要用不同的变压比和变流比的互感器与满度电压是 100V 的电压表和满度电流为 5A 的电流表配合使用,就可以测量各种电压和电流。
Answer: (1) expanded the scope of the use of the instrument. A variety of voltages and currents can be measured as long as the transformer with different voltage variable ratio and variable flow ratio is used with the voltmeter of 100V and the current meter with full current of 5A.
( 2 )使仪表、继电器的规格统一、易于标准化、大批量生产。
(2) uniform specifications for instruments and relays, easy standardization and mass production.
( 3 )使用互感器作为一次电路与二次电路的中间元件,隔离了高电压的危险,也防止了二次电路故障对一次电路的影响。
(3) using the transformer as the intermediate element of the primary circuit and the two circuit, the danger of high voltage is isolated and the influence of the two circuit faults on the one circuit is also prevented.

15. 什么是开关设备?
15. what is the switchgear?
Answer: it is mainly used for power generation, transmission, distribution, and electrical energy conversion related switch appliances and the control, detection, protection and regulation of these switching devices.
16. 什么是控制设备?
16. what is the control device?
Answer: it is mainly used to control the switchgear and the combination of control, detection, protection and adjustment equipment of the switchgear.
17. 什么是过电流?
17. what is over current?
Answer: any electricity exceeding the rated current.
18. 电流是如何形成的?
How is the 18. current formed?
Answer: the directional movement of the free electrons in a conductor in the electric field under the effect of the rules of the current form.
19. 电能质量的指标有哪几项?
19. what are the indicators of the quality of electricity?
Answer: voltage deviation, voltage fluctuation and flicker, voltage sine wave distortion rate and frequency deviation.
20. 高压电器必须满足条件是?

20. high voltage electrical appliances must meet the conditions?
答:A. 绝缘安全可靠;
Answer: A. insulation is safe and reliable.
B. 在额定电流下长期运行且有一定的短时过载能力;
B. runs at a rated current for a long time and has a short time overload capability.
C. 能承载短路电流的热效应和电动力效应而不损坏;
C. can bear short circuit current thermal effect and electrodynamic effect without damage.
D. 开关电器能安全可靠关合开断规定的电流;
The D. switchgear can be safely and reliably shut down the prescribed current.
E. 户外的应承受一定的自然灾害。
E. outdoors should bear certain natural disasters.