
厂商 :郑州友联交通设施有限公司

河南 郑州
  • 主营产品:
  • 道路划线
  • 热熔划线机
  • 标线机
联系电话 :13673385500
Zebra crossing heat fusion road marking machine is the assistant equipment for heat fusion index mark making.It is used to smear the zebra crossing line(crosswalk line)and the entrance line for the high way(flow-guild line).The direction for construction is the direction of tensile force.The machine use the horniness metal knife,make the lines shipshape and beautiful all at one time the knife is designed to be flexible and easy to adjust the thickness of the index line.
技术参数 <Technical parameter>
1.涂料斗<Dope bucket>:涂料桶与划线斗一体化,悬挂在框架底盘内,刮板式结构,料桶配备
2.过滤网,容量50kg<The combination of dope bucket and road marking scoop,hanging in the underpan of the frame,board scraping structure,fitter net availabel,capacity 50kg>
3.玻璃珠箱<Beading box>: 手动同步离合器,齿轮转动,滚动撒播,可拆装设计<Hand movement
4.in step clutch,gear cycle,rolling sowing,and disassembly design>
5.胶轮<Rubber wheel>:铸铁轮股,耐磨胶特制<Cast-iron sector made of special wear resistant rubber>
6.标线宽度<Width of the index line>:400/450mm 可根据工程要求定制<400/450mm it can be customized according to the requirements of the project>
7.尺寸与重量<Size and weight>:1250*750*900mm   净重<Net weight>:90kg
