厂商 :盐城市顺通水下工程有限公司
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(一)干法焊接 这是采用大型气室罩住焊件、焊工在气室内施焊的方法,由于是在干燥气相中焊接,其安全性较好。在深度超过空气的潜入范围时,由于增加了空气环境中局部氧气的压力,容易产生火星。因此应在气室内使用惰性或半惰性气体。干法焊接时,焊工应穿戴特殊防火、耐高温的防护服。 与湿法和局部干法焊接相比,干法焊接安全性i好,但使用局限性很大,应用不普遍。
There are three ways of underwater welding: dry, wet and partial dry.
(1) the dry process welding is a method of applying a large gas chamber to cover welding parts and welders in the air chamber. Because it is welded in a dry gas phase,水下检修水库维修, its safety is better. When the depth exceeds the range of the air, the Mars will be easily generated by increasing the pressure of the local oxygen in the air environment. Therefore inert or semi inert gases should be used in the gas chamber. During dry welding, welders should wear special protective clothing for fire protection and high temperature. Compared with wet and partial dry welding, dry welding safety I is good, but its application is very limited, and its application is not widespread.