厂商 :深圳市格润环境科技有限公司
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
2,牙科口腔污水处理, regularly open windows,深圳牙科口腔污水处理, to ensure air quality and safety of staff.
3, avoid eure to the sun, so as not to affect its appearance or molten metal.
4, you can use disinfection Lou to clean the surface of stubborn stains, should not use sharp sharp hard object characterization.
5. The flame of the alcohol lamp will damage the table, so it should be put on the tripod.
6, air purification engineering experiment table is best to use warm water to clean, then you can choose to use acetone or mild cleaning agent to clean bench, use soap or detergent wipe test, should not use detergent containing abrasive, acid compition to avoid damaging the surface.
If necessary, welcome new and old customers to come to buy! We are in line with the purpse of quality and cheap to provide you with products and services. Sincerely look forward to working with you!

3) 应切合实际地确定污水进水水质,优化工艺设计参数。必须对污水的现状水质特性、污染物构成进行详细调查或测定,作出合理的分析预测。在水质构成复杂或特殊时,应进行污水处理工艺的动态试验,必要时应开展中试研究。
4) 积极审慎地采用高经济的新工艺。对在国内应用的新工艺,必须经过中试和生产性试验,提供可靠设计参数后再进行应用。