厂商 :上海斐卓喷雾系统有限公司
上海 上海- 主营产品:

BB solid cone nozzle series solid cone nozzle
Standard Angle of nozzle is the feature of can produce solid spray cone shape, assumes the circular jet area, jet Angle for 46 ° to 106 °.
Nozzle can be produced in a wide range of flow rate and pressure distribution in homogeneous, for medium to large spray droplet size, the uniformity of spray distribution is derived from the unique blade design and big and smooth circulation channel and excellent control characteristic.
Nozzle by precision manufacturing, the size of precision, ensure accurate and reliable performance.The nozzle for fully covers an area of jet flow field can play a good effect.
BBG series nozzle with removable nozzle body and blade, more branch pipe with manifold and a good match.The ends of their design method can work (nozzle body and blade) removed from the nozzle for maintenance and cleaning, and don't have to put the nozzle base away from the collector.

江苏喷嘴公司斐卓喷雾系统有限公司,国内专业生产研发喷嘴的制造基地,成立12年之久,斐卓从开始的贸易商转化为建立自己的工厂,对品质精益求精追求的态度,使得斐卓近10年来创下非凡的业绩;披荆斩棘将造纸行业全部攻下,转战环保领域,拿下多个合作项目,通用扇形喷嘴,与众多环保公司领导企业建立长期合作关系,方向可调扇形喷嘴,一路前行,继往开来,斐卓公司相继在航空航天领域和海洋军舰领域创下不菲战绩。我们的喷嘴广泛应用于食品,医疗,造纸,环保,涂装,机械清洗等领域。喷嘴产品按喷雾形状分为扇形喷嘴,喷嘴,空心喷嘴,实心喷嘴;按用途可以分为雾化喷嘴,造纸喷嘴,脱硫脱硝喷嘴,冷却清洗喷嘴 ,汽车涂装喷嘴,喷雾降尘喷嘴,加湿喷雾系统等;
Jiangsu nozzle Fiji zhuo spray system co., LTD., specializing in the production of domestic research and development of nozzle manufacturing base, set up 12 years, Fiji zhuo from beginning traders into set up their own factories, attitude to pursuit of quality excellence, makes the Fijian zhuo in recent 10 years in the extraordinary performance;Way to attack all of pulp and paper industry, environmental protection, taking many cooperation projects, with a number of environmental protection company to establish long-term business relations of cooperation, all the way forward, the Fiji zhuo company successively in the fields of aerospace and Marine ships in buying record.Our nozzle is widely used in food, medicine, paper making, environmental protection, coating, mechanical cleaning, etc.According to the shape of spray nozzle products divided into fan nozzle, hollow nozzle, solid nozzle;According to use can be divided into atomization nozzle,不锈钢扇形喷嘴, nozzle papermaking, desulfurization, denitration nozzle cooling nozzle cleaning, car painting nozzle, spray dust nozzle, humidifying spray system, etc.;
Nozzle for more information please consult the Fijian zhuo Feizhuo company!
