厂商 :汕头验厂咨询服务公司
广东 汕头市- 主营产品:
- 迪斯尼验厂咨询
- 澄海验厂
- 潮州验厂
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粤东首家专业验厂咨询公司 保证100%顺利通过客户验厂

汕头ICTI C-TPAT及COC客户验厂咨询服务
粤东首家专业验厂咨询公司 保证100%顺利通过客户验厂

汕头ICTI C-TPAT及COC客户验厂咨询服务
Employee Documentation
q Employment contracts/terms & conditions of employment 劳动合同
q Employee files (including employment application, disciplinary notices, etc)员工手册
q Proof of age documentation (copies of identification cards, birth certificates, medical clearance, etc.)身份证复印件
q Records of issuance of employee benefits, i.e. annual leave, maternity leave, etc.节假日工资记录。
Facility Policies and Procedures
q Internal operating policies and procedures规章制度
q Business licenses营业执照、税务登记证
q Wage and hour policies工资工时的相关规定
q Employment at-will policy员工自由(上班、加班)的制度
q Anti-discrimination policy反歧视制度
q Employee/Management grievance policy员工意见投诉制度
q Freedom of association policy工会及集会自由的文件
q Any other government license, certificates of operation, etc.消防验收,竣工验收,综合计时,环评,特殊设备检测。
Payroll Documents
q Time records for these three pay periods. These records should show daily start and stop times for workers during the pay period and should include regular and overtime work.工时记录。
q Payment receipts for mandatory social insurance payments and other such government contribution schedules社保证明。
q Production records, if workers are paid by production or piece rate生产记录(计件记录)
q Any government waivers or special permissions used to conduct work hours or pay schedules outside of the standard legal limits.综合计时批文,加班批文。
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
q Plant layout or facility evacuation plot plan工厂平面图。
q EHS employee training records (sign-in sheets, agendas, training materials)员工培训记录。
q EHS manual and/or written EHS programs关于生产、环境方面的规章制度。
q EHS Committee records (agendas, meeting minutes, activity logs)安全卫生委员会的记录。
q Inspection records (fire extinguisher, first aid, eyewash, etc.)检查记录。
q Air emission permits
q Air emission monitoring records
q Reports of analysis of drinking water
q Wastewater discharge monitoring reports
q Wastewater discharge permits
q Hazardous waste manifests or shipping papers
q Waste profiles/test results/waste analyses
Health & Safety
q Accident investigation forms
q Accident or injury reports
q Chemical inventory
q Material safety data sheets (MSDS)
q Records of industrial safety monitoring (exposure to chemicals, noise, temperature, and measurements of ventilation)
q Job/task hazard assessments/determinations
Employee Documentation
q Employment contracts/terms & conditions of employment 劳动合同
q Employee files (including employment application, disciplinary notices, etc)员工手册
q Proof of age documentation (copies of identification cards, birth certificates, medical clearance, etc.)身份证复印件
q Records of issuance of employee benefits, i.e. annual leave, maternity leave, etc.节假日工资记录。
Facility Policies and Procedures
q Internal operating policies and procedures规章制度
q Business licenses营业执照、税务登记证
q Wage and hour policies工资工时的相关规定
q Employment at-will policy员工自由(上班、加班)的制度
q Anti-discrimination policy反歧视制度
q Employee/Management grievance policy员工意见投诉制度
q Freedom of association policy工会及集会自由的文件
q Any other government license, certificates of operation, etc.消防验收,竣工验收,综合计时,环评,特殊设备检测。
Payroll Documents
q Time records for these three pay periods. These records should show daily start and stop times for workers during the pay period and should include regular and overtime work.工时记录。
q Payment receipts for mandatory social insurance payments and other such government contribution schedules社保证明。
q Production records, if workers are paid by production or piece rate生产记录(计件记录)
q Any government waivers or special permissions used to conduct work hours or pay schedules outside of the standard legal limits.综合计时批文,加班批文。
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
q Plant layout or facility evacuation plot plan工厂平面图。
q EHS employee training records (sign-in sheets, agendas, training materials)员工培训记录。
q EHS manual and/or written EHS programs关于生产、环境方面的规章制度。
q EHS Committee records (agendas, meeting minutes, activity logs)安全卫生委员会的记录。
q Inspection records (fire extinguisher, first aid, eyewash, etc.)检查记录。
q Air emission permits
q Air emission monitoring records
q Reports of analysis of drinking water
q Wastewater discharge monitoring reports
q Wastewater discharge permits
q Hazardous waste manifests or shipping papers
q Waste profiles/test results/waste analyses
Health & Safety
q Accident investigation forms
q Accident or injury reports
q Chemical inventory
q Material safety data sheets (MSDS)
q Records of industrial safety monitoring (exposure to chemicals, noise, temperature, and measurements of ventilation)
q Job/task hazard assessments/determinations