
厂商 :济南永昌铝业有限公司

山东 济南
  • 主营产品:
  • 铝板
  • 铝卷
  • 花纹铝板
联系电话 :13335187011
板材 厚度0.1—200mm,宽度为0—-2000mm,板材长度为: 0—7000mm。牌号可满足以下:110010501145106010702A 12 300340015A05  5A06 50525083   60618011等;状态:F  H112OH12H14H16H18H22H24H26H36
铝线有铝单线(直径0.6—8.5 、钢芯铝绞线(规格16/3  26/4  35/6  95/15以上)、裸铝线、铆钉线  铝焊丝 直径0.7—8.5   铝杆的规格有9.5 12 15  
铝管 牌号:106030035052606360827197003  外径 16MM —160以上  道路用标牌滑道规格为:647084100
铝棒 2A12  规格20MM以上
本公司产品交货及时、质量稳定、质优价廉、服务周到,常用规格备有现货,特殊尺寸可定做加工,交货期510天左右。公司具有独立的出口权,产品远销日本,美国,东南亚等。公司地处驰名中外的玫瑰之乡-济南市平阴县境内,处于省城济南1小时经济圈,平阴县物产丰富,平阴玫瑰佳天下,风景秀丽,交通便利,105国道、济菏高速穿境而过。 欢迎中外朋友来平阴观光旅游、洽谈业务,交流技术。并愿以优质的产品、优良的服务、诚挚的信誉与中外各界有识之士广泛合作,共谋发展。 欢迎来电:13791107069  13335185177  18660741765  053189719759   传真0531-87872566    邮箱jnycly@sina.com  QQ1009949532


 JiNan YongChang Aluminium Co.,Ltd deals with the Electrolysis Aluminium Production and Aluminium Products Processing .The main products are as follows:         

 Aluminium ingots : 50  60  70A                                                       Aluminium plates:

Type: pure plates, alloy plates, pattern plates , embossed plates , color plates .

Thickness: 0.1-200MM  width:0—2000MM  Length : 0—7000MM       

 Brands: 1050  1060  1070  1100  2A12  3003  491 4001 5052 5083 5A05  5A06  6061  8011

conditions: FH112OH12H14H16H18H22H24H26H36.  


Aluminium ( round) rods: 9.5  12  15

Steel cored Aluminium Articulation wires: LGJ-16/3---800/100 

Single wires: ¢0.7—8.5

Aluminium pipes :  106030035052606360827197003  outer diameter 16MM —160MM

Aluminium ball: 9.5  12

Other products :  aluminium belts ;  aluminium foils; Aluminium bar

The company located in Jinan City, Shandong Province, is a stock company. The address is located at the point where 105 State Road meets 220 State Road, and it is 5 kilometers away from the entrance to Jinan-Heze high-speed way.

Fixed-line telephone : 86-0531-89719759    Fax: 86-0531-87872566  Mobile Telephone: 13791107069  13335185177    QQ: 1009949532   MSN: jnycly@live.cn

Contact: Mr chen   Mr guo  Mr Liang
